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Are You Special?

I believe that everyone is special. I believe each of us take for granted our health, talent, beauty and intellect every day. Some of my readers know about my Special Brother. His name is Corey and at the age of 4 he suffered a brain aneurysm. Doctors expected he would not make it through the night but by Gods grace he did. Doctors said he would never walk but by Gods grace he did. Doctors said he would never live to see 18. Praise God he is now 23 years old. Did this aneurysm leave him unscathed? Hardly. He has suffered from debilitating epilepsy ever since but a pleasant side effect was the fact that he does not take for granted. You may be wondering where this is coming from.

I also have a cousin who is special needs...thats what those of you who are kind would call it. This week her mom took her special education class to a local ice cream shop for dessert. They all had a wonderful tme and when her dad was eating luch at his workplace the next day some co-workers were talking about how all these weird looking kids were eating ice cream and they had left on part because of these weird children. Needless to say all of our hearts broke at the ignorance these few had displayed.

I want you to be aware that looks or intellect do not reach the soul. That my brother in his broken body has a far stronger testimony of my Lord than I could ever hope for. That it is past time for people to stop looking at material gain, baseball trophies, designer hand bags and get acquainted with the things you take for granted everyday.

With that said, I am excited to announce that from June 29th - July 3rd, one hundred percent of all session fees will be donated to the Make A Wish Foundation. When my brother was 9 years old, our entire family was treated to an all expense paid trip to Disneyworld. That was his wish and til this day its one of my favorite memories. I had left this week unscheduled for some down time but would find it better suited to this cause. If you are considering a session how about scheduling it for that week. If you know someone who would love to have custom photography of their family why not purchase a session for them. If you are the parent, aunt or another relationship to a special needs child or adult how about giving this gift to them.

While I was thinking of doing this, I had a memory. I thought my interest in photography had developed a deeper hold with the birth of my children but it wasn't. When my brother Corey graduated from High School we were thinking about his senior pictures. We thought about how a one hour session might not be enough. How the photographer would have to be understanding of his needs and we did not feel comfortable with our choices. So I ask my mom, "why don't I just do it?" So I did and he loved those pictures and so did I. Its amazing now how senior photography is my passion. Now I realize where it all began! Proof that God used my brother's disability for good by putting me on this path and now to give back to you.

Please call 304-667-8507 to schedule your session and here is a look at just a few of the special people from my life! The first image is my brother Corey and myself.


Anonymous said...


Cheri & Calia

Mandy said...

Amen! Once again I say, that it's no small thing we get to do. Thank you for your words and for sharing your photos. They have put my day in perspective and have reminded me how lucky and thankful I am for all the "road blocks", all the things and people God has put in my path and most of all they way's he shown me a way past, around and to those things.

Ali Green said...

oh you are so awesome!!!! I wish we lived closer i would most definitely schedule a session and offer my help too to help with your wonderful cause! I too have members in my family with special needs (i sooo hate labels). We should talk sometime. Beautiful photos of beautiful people! Again 'YOU are AESOME!" Keep it up friend!


Anonymous said...

amanda. this is really great!