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Boudoir Marathon

I am in the planning stages of holding a Boudoir Marathon in the Morgantown Area on January 8, 2010. Lots of people wonder what exactly a boudoir marathon is. Simply, it is a day I set aside to soley shoot boudoirs 5-10 sessions to be exact. I reserve a hotel suite and retain someone for professional hair and makeup to give you the complete experience! Im currently scouting locations and gauging interest. With that in mind please email me at amanda@amanda-reed.com if you are interested in reserving a spot. With only 5-10 spots, I imagine they will go quickly! Once I am in touch with those who are interested and secure the suite exact pricing will be announced. My boudoir sessions for Christmas are fully booked. The next best thing is to get this in time for Valentines Day.

1 comment:

Trista-Nichole said...

I'm very interested in doing something like this for my future hubby too! Awesome picture Amanda!